Name: The Real Folk Blues
    Artist: Cowboy Bebop


    ASGARIA //

    Name:  My my my!
    Artist: Troye Sivan


    CATONIA //

    Name: A la mancha manchega
    Artist: Jariko Pajariko




    Name:  Dziwny jest ten świat
    Artist: Czesław Niemen


    IUSTUS //

    Name: The Arena
    Artist: Lindsey Sterling


    KAION //

    Name: Hej Sokoly

    Artist: Artefact 



    Name: Capital Letters
    Artist: Hailee Steinfeld, BloodPop




    Name: Million reasons
    Artist: Lady Gaga



    NATIA //

    Name: Hopes, Dreams, Reality
    Artist: n8nks77




    Name: Ganas de Matar
    Artist: La Prohibida


    POLANDA //

    Name: Para que todo el mundo lo vea
    Artist: Arnau Griso


    POSAF //

    Name: Alors on Danse 
    Artist: Stromae


    TIMERIA //

    Name: We will rock you

    Artist: Queen

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  • Microvision 2016


    All the news on MicroWiki here !

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    Microvision 2015

    More news on the MicroWiki's page here !

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  • The Microvision Song Festival, sometimes popularly called Microvision, is the longest-running micronational annual international TV song competition, held, primarily, among the member countries of the Micronational Broadcasting Union (UMR-MBU) since 2015.

    Each participating country submits an song to be and then casts votes for the other countries' songs to determine the most popular song in the competition. The contest has been broadcast every year for two years, since its inauguration in 2015.


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